Cho­reo­graph­ers in fo­cus: Zsolt Sz­arka and Péter Mol­nár

The performance series of the Hungarian Heritage House focuses on the outstanding choreographers of folk dance on stage. The special feature of the evenings is that the audience can get to know two creative careers at the same time, and see the use of folk dance as an artistic expression from two different points of view. During the evenings, there is an opportunity to get to know a junger and a well-known choreographers' oeuvres. The selections provide an opportunity to discover outstanding ensembles, the finest works of artists of different ages and backgrounds, coming from different regions, ways of thinking and an image of the similarities and differences of the stage formulation.

In the "summoning" of the past and the present, in addition to professional dancers, the best amateur ensembles will also take the stage.

Our event in October presents a selection of choreographies by Péter Molnár, who started with the Mecsek Dance Ensemle in Pécs and now works in Vas county, and Zsolt Szarka, who lives in the other end of the country, in Békéscsaba. The experiences, the archives dance materials collected by themselves, and the deep knowledge of authentic interpretation based on a deep knowledge of the folk dance play an important role in the creative work of both of them.


Duration of the program: ~100 minutes (in 2 parts)

After the performances, there is an opportunity to talk with the artists, which lasts 45 minutes.

Editor of the series: Csaba Szögi

Moderator: Ildikó Sándor

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